Go Compare this student job application with others

Gio ComparioInsurance comparison website Go Compare has really stepped up its social media activity over the last year or so – and very successfully too. But now a Welsh university student has used digital to create his own unusual bid for a job with the company.

Joe Tannorella, a Cardiff-based student at Swansea University, has created his own website, displaying his talents as a designer and internet marketer, specifically to grab the attention of the people at Go Compare. FAO Go Compare

Most importantly, he has even mocked up a proposed social media marketing campaign, based around Go Compare’s love-him-or-hate-him mascot, opera singer Gio Compario – “Target Gio“.

Tannorella, who is due to graduate with a BSc in Economics in the summer, explains that he could have sent a LinkedIn in-mail to a senior manager at Go Compare “but I didn’t think that was interesting enough (not to mention the fact it didn’t add any value, and it’d probably just seem weird?!)”.

From initial idea to completion, the mini-project took an afternoon and evening, which provides evidence for his claims to be hard-working, taking initiave and getting things done.

When we spoke to him on Thursday afternoon (24th January), he had already had contact with senior people in Go Compare’s marketing and digital offices. Not a bad result, but his real aim is –  “for someone from Gocompare to give me a call and, ultimately, give me a place on their team for when I leave uni”.

We reckon it’s a job application that compares very well.

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1 Response to Go Compare this student job application with others

  1. Pingback: Joe Tannorella | Creating FAOgocompare.com [update: interview]

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